10 Security Tips to Consider When Buying a New Home
Buying a new home is exciting, but one thing that’s worth considering is your new home’s security. No one wants to ever experience a burglary regardless of whether you’re in your property at the time or not. For that reason, there are a number of security tips that you can use to make sure your new home is secure and safe for you and your household. Here are ten security tips to consider when buying a new home.
- Boundaries - Make sure your boundaries are secure at all times. That means looking at your outdoor fencing and any locked gates. Ensure that the locks on any gates aren’t loose or easily breakable and that fences are high enough so that no one can just climb over them.
- Lock Your Doors - Even when you’re at home, your doors should always be locked. As much as you might trust those who live around you or that you’re in a quiet neighbourhood that has no previous home burglary attempts, you never know who might be walking past your home.
- Make It Look Occupied - A good way of making sure your home is not a target is by always making it look occupied. You can put your lights on timers using smart technology in order to give the appearance that someone’s in, even if you’re laying out in the sun somewhere abroad.
- Keep Valuables Hidden - Even though your valuables might be somewhere in the home, that doesn’t just mean they’re secure. It’s important to keep your valuables hidden and away from sight so that it doesn’t provide temptation to anyone passing by who might see them.
- Install Security Systems - There are lots of useful house alarm system options out there and when it comes to a home security checklist, having a good CCTV security system is essential.
- Know Local Crime Stats - The rate of crime in an area can differ from place to place so it’s worth finding out what your local crime statistics are so that you can make the necessary precautions where needed.
- Lock Up Outside Buildings - Anything like a garden shed or garage is a prime spot to take advantage of so make sure you keep them locked up and perhaps install your security system to these outside structures too.
- Replace Any Front Or Back Door Locks - Having the right lock is important, so check that you have a good, strong lock in both your front and back doors.
- Have A Home Safe - This can be great for storing your important documents and valuables. It’s also worth bolting it to the floor where you can.
- Install Motion-Sensor Lighting - Outdoor lighting can be a great deterrent when it comes to keeping individuals away from your property. Outdoor lighting that’s motion-sensor can stop those from getting too close.
These tips are worth utilising when buying a new home and you should be looking to see that all aspects of the home are secure from the boundaries to the standard of locks that appear on the windows and doors.